The regional observance of Mining History Week will take place January 10-24, 2015, at programs in Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Pittston, Port Griffith, Wyoming, Ashley, and Wilkes-Barre Township. The annual event seeks to remember and honor the area’s anthracite mineworkers, their families and communities.
The programs are sponsored by the Anthracite Heritage Museum, Anthracite Heritage Foundation, King’s College, Luzerne County Historical Society, Luzerne County Community College, Wilkes University, Huber Breaker Preservation Society, EPCAMR, Greater Pittston Historical Society, Anthracite Living History Group, Old Forge Coal Mine, and Knox Mine Disaster Memorial Committee.
All events are open to the public free of charge except the first one.
Jan. 10, 8am Boy Scouts of America, “Mining in Society” Merit Badge Day, King’s College, open only to Boy Scouts members of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council; program ends at 6 pm.
Jan. 15, 7pm
Msgr. John J. Curran Annual Lecture, Prof. Walter T. Howard of Bloomsburg University, speaking on “Socialist and Communist Labor Organizers in the Wyoming and Lackawanna Coal Fields during the 1930s;” King’s College, Burke Auditorium, McGowan School of Business; refreshments served at 6:30 p.m.
Jan. 17, 2pm
Knox Mine Disaster Annual Remembrance Program,Anthracite Heritage Museum, McDade Park, Scranton; displays,music, a special tribute to photographers Steven and William Lukasik Sr., and news reporter Jack Scanella; new segments of The Knox Disaster Documentary by David Brocca of Los Angeles, CA; commentary by Chester Kulesa, William Lukasik, Jr., and Robert Wolensky; refreshments served.
Jan. 18, 10 am
Knox Mine Disaster Memorial Service, St. John the Evangelist Church, Pittston.
Jan. 18, 11:30 am
Knox Mine Disaster Public Commemoration,
PHMC Historical Marker in front of Baloga Funeral Home, Port Griffith; coffee served courtesy of Baloga Funeral Home.
Jan. 20, 6:30pm
Huber Breaker Preservation Society, Atty. F. Charles Petrillo of Wilkes-Barre will present and discuss two classic anthracite-related documentary films; Earth Conservancy Building, 101 So. Main St., Ashley; refreshments served.
Jan. 22, 6:30 pm
Luzerne County Historical Society, William Hastie and Robert Wolensky will speak on their book, “Anthracite Labor Wars,” Wyoming Presbyterian Church, 454 Wyoming Avenue, Wyoming; refreshments served.
Jan. 24, 2-4 pm
Meet and Hear Local Authors, Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Wilkes-Barre Township; local authors will speak about their books beginning at 2:30 p.m., and meet and greet patrons before and afterwards; authors include William Conologue, John Dziak, William Hastie, William Kashatus, Kathleen Munley, Sheldon Spear, Kenneth Wolensky, and Robert Wolensky.