Photos from HBPS Facebook Fan Page:
From Timeline Photos, posted by Huber Breaker Preservation Society on 8/15/2011 (13 items)
- NEXT Saturday the 19th! Two long time friends and advocates of the Huber Breaker Pres…
- Image taken September 9th, 1981
- Mike Mostardi with Blue Coal Sign in 2006
- Til 4PM!
- Come and join HBPS very own Ray Clarke and some Freshman Wilkes Students who are dona…
- Our treasurer and most active member, Ray Clarke!
- What our society needs: More smiling faces!
- IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! 3rd Annual Chicken Bar-B-Q and Bake Sale! See Ray Clarke or any…
- Cleanups coming up in May and June. We can use your skill and labor! We are developin…
- Al Maciiun at Pollock’s Bar. The end of an era. You were a great friend to our Societ…
- Christmas Party tonight! 6PM at the Earth Conservancy 101S. Main St Ashley Covered di…
- OSM members visit the Huber Breaker!
- Thanks for all your support! Our Chicken dinners sold out by 2:30! Thanks to all cont…
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Videos of the Huber Breaker:
Inside the Huber Breaker Part I (from the VintagePAMining’s YouTube Channel)
Inside the Huber Breaker Part II (from the VintagePAMining’s YouTube Channel)